The equipment

Linear vibrators

Linear vibrators offer many advantages.

wear resistance

High-quality hot-cast polyurethane coatings


Multiple treatment tanks can be created


Optimize your costs and
your productivity

Presentation of our linear vibrators

TU Series linear vibrators

The TU Series linear vibrator is easy to use and efficient for all your applications.

They are designed and manufactured with a single-speed motor producing uniform vibratory motion within the treatment tank to produce optimum part finish.

TU series vibratory feeders offer the option of integrating separation panels into the treatment tank, thus dividing the tank into several compartments.
This separation system is ideally suited to preventing parts from colliding with each other, and also allows treatment compartments to be adapted to suit part dimensions.

Recommended consumables

vibrateur linéaire série HT vue complete

HT Series linear vibrators

The HT series linear vibrator is designed for cleaning or polishing treatments with porcelain abrasives.
The treatment tank is lined with hot-cast polyurethane.
The HT2 model is equipped with castors, making it easy to move the machine around. It also features a closed-circuit effluent recirculation system.

This model features a reservoir located beneath the tank and equipped with a lift pump to recirculate the water + additive mixture to the treatment tank.

It also features a soundproof hood and operates on a standard 16A, single-phase, 240V AC power supply.

Recommended consumables

Mass finishing results

Avant traitement par le vibrateur linéaireRésultat après traitement par le vibrateur linéaire