

Abrasifs céramiques 3

How are our ceramic abrasives made?

We manufacture our ceramic abrasives by mixing a mineral binder (clay) with one of the following abrasive fillers: aluminum oxide, silicon carbide or quartz.

After passing through molds, the abrasive is given different shapes. This mixture is cut into different sizes and geometric shapes.

The resulting abrasives are baked at high temperatures for very long periods, sometimes up to 24 hours. Our range of ceramic abrasives includes several types, including porcelain abrasives. They are particularly suitable for wet polishing all your non-ferrous parts. .

Abrasifs céramiques 3
Abrasifs céramiques 1
abrasif céramique AHC
Abrasifs céramiques 1

Main characteristics of ceramic abrasives

  • Manufactured in various sizes and geometric shapes.
  • We offer ceramic abrasives in a variety of abrasive grades, from low to high abrasive power.
  • Abrasive power depends on the amount of aluminum oxide, silicon carbide or quartz contained in the abrasive.
  • With its high abrasive power, ceramic abrasive is ideal for deburring applications, as it removes large burrs.
  • This type of abrasive is also suitable for shelving applications, as it can be used to radiate the sharp edges of workpieces.
  • With its medium abrasive power, this type of abrasive produces a smooth surface and easily removes all surface defects from parts.
  • With its low abrasive power, this type of abrasive is ideal for cleaning and polishing parts.
Abrasifs porcelaines

Main characteristics of porcelain abrasive

  • Porcelain abrasive is a vitrified abrasive with zero abrasive power, essential for polishing finishes to give parts a brilliant shine.
Abrasifs porcelaines