The equipment

circular vibrators

Reduced maintenance

Optimize your costs & productivity

high-quality products

Our vibrators are made in the UK at ActOn Finishing

silent operation

Improve your employees' working comfort

Introducing the circular vibrator

vibrateur circulaire serie B
ventilateur circulaire serie B

S and B series vibrators

B and S Series circular vibrators share many common features.

In fact, both series of circular vibrators featurea hinged flap system that guides the workpieces and abrasives to a sieving grid.

This allows the abrasive charges to be returned to the treatment tank to collect the tribo-finished parts at the machine outlet.

The S Series circular models have a hot-cast polyurethane coating and are suitable for applications with both ceramic and plastic abrasives.

The B series circular models are specially designed for use with stainless steel ball processes only. Another special feature of this model is its standard bowl lined with a special rubber coating to facilitate the movement of parts and stainless steel balls during the tribofinishing process.

What’s more, this video of the circular vibrator lets you see it in action.

Recommended consumables

Stainless steel balls

TVB Series circular vibrator

Our TVB series tribo-finishing machine stands out for its modernity, compact finish and versatility.

This circular vibrator is the model you need for all your deburring, polishing, descaling and scribing operations, as well as low- and medium-intensity ball polishing.

Key benefits of the circular vibrator

  • Reduces processing times by 40% compared to current models on the market
  • It reduces electricity consumption by up to 45%.

Key features

  • It is supplied with an integrated dosing device.
  • It comes with a sieve for separating parts and abrasives.
  • The grid is elongated for optimal sieving.
  • Easy, ergonomic access for feeder adjustment and general maintenance.

Recommended consumables

vibrateur circulaire serie tvb

VB1 Series circular vibrator

The VB1 model is suitable for processing small quantities of parts.

It is capable of performing all kinds of tribo-finishing operations to perfection, including deburring, polishing, straightening and cleaning batches of parts.

Recommended consumables for this circular vibrator

P and O series circular vibrators

The O and P series vibratory feeders share a number of features.
They are designed without a sieving area, which on the one hand enables simultaneous processing of small and large batches of parts during a single cycle, and on the other requires manual unloading of the parts at the end of the tribofinishing process, as well as the abrasives used in the process.
Although very similar in many respects, each of these circular vibratory feeders has its own specific features.

These models have the particularity of being designed and manufactured
with a single-speed motor, featuring adaptable and adjustable weights to transfer a vibratory motion that provides the most efficient finishing.

P-series models offer the option of full
automation, with the added benefit of fully autonomous separation of workpieces and abrasives. This is made possible, among other things, by additional accessories that enable automatic return of abrasives to the tank without operator intervention.

Recommended consumables

ventilateur circulaire serie p et o
vibrateur circulaire vue de haut
vibrateur série I
vibrateur série I

The Series I circular vibrator

Thanks to the carrousel separator on this model, your parts will be protected from any impact.

This circular vibrator requires manual loading and unloading of parts into each treatment tank.

Recommended consumables

Tribofinishing results with circular vibrators

Avant traitement par le vibrateur circulaireAprès traitement par le vibrateur circulaire